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Personal Growth in Grief

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The purpose of Personal Growth in Grief is where people have gone through their share of grief & loss, they have healed their hearts, and are ready to rebuild a life of meaning and purpose.

Grief enters our lives and it feels like someone dumped a 1,000 piece puzzle in front of us and never showed us the box cover in order to work this vision. We managed to find the flat border and corner pieces, and the rest is still scattered.

THINK VISION!! This is where you will begin to discover what your grief journey came to teach you about LIFE.

This Development Coaching Group will challenge you with one of the most challenging questions of all - What is your WHY? Why do you want to do ___________.? Why to you want to help ______________?

and the reason we ask this is to allow you to create your own personal vision for life.

BE - DO - HAVE is the goal.

This will challenge you to BE who you are meant to be.

This will challenge you to DO what you are supposed to do.

This will challenge you to HAVE all that life has to offer you.

I will share a personal breakthrough I discovered along my own grief journey ... Are you ready?

I discovered that YOU are my WHY. Grief called me, I didn't call grief. Yet it taught me everything I was not seeing in order to BE an amazing grief guide. To DO what I was called to do. Lastly, it led me to HAVE the most amazing people in my life, which led me back to my 'why' and that's YOU!!

Your vision will look completely different than mine, and the person next to you will have a totally different vision than you. And you know what? Together we sit and stitch this most beautiful tapestry that our hurting world so desperately needs. YOUR GIFTS!!

Be ready for the challenge - the brainstorming sessions - the deep thought moments - and the supportive prayers along the way. You are going to put your dent in that big ol' Universe!

I cannot wait to see you inside!

Kim Ryan


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  • July 30, 2024


  • Kim Ryan

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